In lab 5, I used brushes to recreate a drawing. The objective of the lab was to recreate a drawing that I have already made but with brushes and colors. Another objective might be to test our creativity.For example, how we can think of different brush types to represent the texture of objects from our drawing. I did this lab by recreating my drawing in Photoshop with different sized brushes to match my drawing, different colored brushes to represent the color of the object in the drawing, and different types of brushes to emphasize on the texture of the object in the drawing.
This lab required Photoshop, which is a photo editing software. Lab 5 is relevant to web design because it teaches you to be more creative, and I think in the field of web design, creativity is very important. With creativity, you can do a lot of things that other people couldn't do, and it would not only amaze them but also be very useful sometimes, depending on where you use your creativity. I see myself using these skills in the future when I am making something relative to what I imagine in Photoshop.
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