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Parts of a newspaper Reflection Journal

Parts of a newspaper-

1. Nameplate: The name of the newspaper in a big and a special font on top of the newspaper.

2. Headline: The headline that is given to a story on the newspaper.

3. Deck: The second headline to the story that holds additional information to the story.

4. By-line: Name of the writer of the article or story in the newspaper.

5. Photo credit: The line underneath the image giving credit to the photographer.

6. Cut-line or Caption: Descriptive info about a piece of art or a photo.

7. Jump line: A line where its told where the story will continue.

8. Lead: The first few sentences in a story explaining the 5 Ws questions.
9. Cut: a photo or Illustration.

10.Table of contents: Part of the newspaper where its told where all the stories are located. 

11.Sections of the newspaper: Part of the newspaper which discusses different topics like Sports, Travel, Ads, Culture etc. 


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